Swasthi Soukhya



Mankind attains a status close to Divinity when he heals the ills of his fellow beings. Healing is a art that evolved through ages, from the age of Hippocrates and Sushrutha to the current age of robotic surgery has been a momentous journey for mankind.. The hands of a doctor is the closest a human gets to the Hands of God. The hand that deliver babies, that administer childhood medication, the soothing tones that pacify our fears, the dexterous hands that reach within us to heal, these are the most trusted hands and voices in the world. For it is nothing short of a miracle when our illnesses vanish with the advises of a doctor.

Swasthi Foundation has always held healthcare as a primary mission and Swasthi Soukhya is the wing that carries this mission. Since inception of Swasthi Foundation, the Soukhya wing has been active. Soukhya has envisaged various healthcare projects and executed them, sometimes with the help of our trudted mission partners. However the group that come uppermost in one’s mind is the committed group of doctors who have made the Soukhya dream a reality.

The Swasthi Group of Doctors, are group of eminent doctors with well known professional status, who have volunteered to render their selfless services for those that are incapable of fending for themselves. They have also embarkesd on a mission of disease prevention , early detection and social medicine. The group consists of medical and surgical experts of renown in all specialties, physical and mental. They reach out to the public via camps organised by Soukhya or its various missions. Often working during theirs well earned off time and offering services voluntarily, it is only fair to say that these doctors are the back bone of  Swasthi Foundation and Soukhya.

World Breast Cancer Month (Webinar Series)

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